Network in network

A unique feature of our healthy network that allows large communities, teams and groups with specific interests to create a customised environment - their own network within the social network. Such a network can be normally visible to other users or completely hidden from the world and accessible only to invited guests.

After joining a community, users will only see posts related to that topic and nothing else. Of course, users can always switch back to the standard content viewing mode or stay in the community where they feel comfortable. Each community has its own posts, articles, groups and events and is fully customisable according to the needs of its current users. is the only social network in the world that allows you to create your own social networks and easily switch between them. We have already launched this "Network within Network" feature and will continue to improve it in the next stages of its development, bringing new capabilities not only to administrators of large teams and communities, but also to their members.

We have summarised the benefits of this functionality in the video below: