
Mait Market is a mobile and web application that we are currently working on. It aims to enable the sale of digital and physical products and services in a secure environment. Our intention is to create a platform where only verified users can trade, minimising the risk of fraud typical of other market platforms.

Mait Market will offer services and products from primary producers, i.e. directly from those who actually create them. In this way we want to promote direct trade and increase transparency between sellers and buyers.

One of the main functions of Mait Market will be to try to correct the current environment where excessive commissions are set, especially for some services. Mait Market will standardise commission levels across sectors and communicate them transparently. This will help to create a fairer market environment for all stakeholders.

In the second phase of development, we are planning an extension that will allow the marketplace to accept not only MAIT tokens, but also other cryptocurrencies. This will provide users with modern and flexible payment options that will facilitate trading on our platform.

The beta version of Mait Market is expected to be launched in Q4 2024. By the end of 2025, we expect to reach at least 1 million completed transactions among users. By 2026, we aim to have at least 2 million transactions per year.